Chicago trader, car nut, sports fan and political junkie. "Flying Debris" refers to warning signs behind the staging areas at drag strips. I happen to enjoy the sign reading "Caution Flying Debris Please Stand To The Right". Others may take amusement and solace in the sign over on the left side of the drag strip. Please don't look for much (if any) quarter mile blogging.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Government Screws Chrysler Debt Holders?
Maria Bartiromo of CNBC has just reported that the Feds have not even contacted the Chrysler senior debt holders, debt holders whose holdings are legally superior to the debt held by the UAW, yet the Obama administrations plan would give a larger stake to the UAW. The GM plan holds the same situation, senior debt holders of GM hold 2 1/2 times the debt held by the UAW Retirement Plan yet the senior debt holders receive only 1/4 the ownership stake that the UAW would receive. Is this what out tax dollars are funding, an ownership stake that unions could not have ever received under our nation's laws?
As I write this the Dow Jones 30 is attempting another upside break-out this morning.
I just saw the attention starved bimbos from Code Pink on CNBC in a congressional hearing room preparing to throw another one of their childish fits, this one will be directed at Treasury Secretary Geithner. The Code Pink tactics are a far cry from the Tea Parties - these wealthy woman have been flown around the world to throw hissy fits and get attention for their pitiful selves.
Like many Tea Party participants I took the subway to the Chicago Tea Party, I do not have to prostitute myself to see the world.
The above is a photo of Anti-Scientology protesters, Chicago Says No. Here is their web site. Considering that Scientology, an alleged "religion" is allowed to set up shop in that very Federal Plaza to troll for suckers I think that it was great that these folks were there.
ACORN Didn't Need to Attend Chicago Tea Party - CNN Had It Covered - VIDEO UPDATES!
Photo Copyright: Flying Debris The Obama as Hitler Guy - the Perfect CNN Interview
Photo Copyright: Flying Debris CNN "reporter" Susan Roesgen objects to a man's opinions
Photo Copyright: Flying Debris More of the Same from CNN's propagandist Roesgen
Photo Copyright: Flying Debris
When I edited my shots I noticed this one of CNN setting up amid a group of families, just a few of the families CNN chose not to interview. This shot deserves to be with the others.
ACORN didn't even have to attend the Chicago version of the Chicago Tea Party, CNN had it safely covered. Who knows what if anything they will show from the Chicago event (turns out they broadcast this very disgrace) but they found their guy, the perfect CNN interview. CNN had set up a camera and had a reporter (Susan Roesgen) underneath Calder's Flamingo in the downtown Federal Plaza. Well, standing conspicuously near the CNN folks was the guy in the first picture, the Obama as Hitler Guy. The perfect interview for CNN did not go over that well with the crowd, I even called Godwin's Law on the entire interview, to no avail. So the crowd around the CNN set up started to get antsy, what with being portrayed in a very negative light and all. That's when the CNN reporter came over near where I was standing to interview a man holding a baby and a Don't Tread on Me flag,* she asked him why he was there. His response in some way sounded prepared, however it could have been that he got wound up in front of the crowd. So he got on a roll for ten or fifteen seconds and the reporter interrupted him to object or correct him, that's when the crowd let her have it, yelling "let him speak" and "you are not a reporter, you are an advocate!" The crowd soon started to chant anti-CNN chants and the nice open circle that CNN had worked in was soon filled with protesters protesting CNN.
So that is reporting in the early 21st Century, out of 5000 people find the one with the most outrageous and objectionable message and interview him, then argue with those whose message you object to.
ACORN can return to serial vote fraud, CNN has the propaganda covered.
Thanks to commenter Lauren S. for pointing out the YouTube version of this CNN Moment. Seeing the gentleman with the baby speak while not concentrating on photos I have to say that he appears to be a genuinely concerned man who is passionate on the subject. I also must repeat this and make it clear, that woman is not a reporter, that woman is a propagandist, the crowd was correct. CNN should be ashamed of putting such an incompetent and condescending reporter on cable television.
And how about the guy with the flag who got in front of the gentleman with the baby? Did Chicago Streets and Sanitation have the day off?
This is America in 2009, a media incapable of reporting working hand-in-hand with political dirty tricksters.
Jim Hoft of the Gateway Pundit has unearthed video of CNN employee Susan Roesgen who was alright with Bush being portrayed as the devil with a wad of cash in the wake of Katrina but this propagandist Roesgen is very offended over some guy who was likely a plant calling Obama a fascist.
UPDATE III: Founding Bloggers was also in the crowd and got some follow-up video of a citizen attempting to reason with CNN's Roesgen.
The disgraceful CNN has demanded that You Tube pull the Founding Bloggers video for copyright reasons, no word yet on any Fair Usage of a minute of CNN's atrocious coverage. It is sad that CNN is so afraid of what their own reorters say. Below is a copy of the video that works as of 4/19 10:30 am central.
Here is a video of Jon Stewart mocking Roesgen for her CNN coverage of the recent Fargo flooding:
Neil Cavuto Interviews Roesgen Victim -
Norman, who stood in front of me as I shot photographs and who was interviewed and lectured by CNN's Susan Roesgen is given his say by Neil Cavuto.
A partial transcript Rick Santelli's reaction to the Wednesday protest can be found here.
Photo Copyright: Flying Debris
Here is Calder's Flamingo during less stressful times - during a raging blizzard the morning of February 1, 2008.
* the flag was held by a guy next to the second interviewee who moved away before showing up later in the video shot to hassle him - a recurring lesson on the limits of the viewfinder, the field of view gets very small
---Thanks to the assistance of current Londoner, the former "North Side Serf" who once left a great comment concerning former Senator Obama and his unseemly relationship with an Illinois politician sometimes known as the Granny Grifter.---
Obama Sends Solar iPod Chargers to Itallian Quake Victims
Okay, the Obama administration really sent $50,000 to the Itallian quake victims, though I doubt that the paltry sum is the sort of change those Itallians were hoping for.
How GM and Chrysler Will Be Run - Explained By Lily Tomlin 40 Years Ago
Talk about about being ahead of her time, just change "phone company" to "General Motors" or "Chrysler" or "AIG"...
"Now Mr. Beetle, I want you to understand something, we are not subject to city, state or federal regulations, we are omnipotent... omnipotent... that's potent with an omni in front of it."
Harvard Economics Professor Greg Mankiw has even linked to Wikipedia. I'm glad that it is April Fools Day as I do not want to help fund any portion of Harvard Yard and I would like to continue reading Mankiw's blog.