Monday, July 24, 2006

Chris Dodd – Just Being Himself, Again

Senator Chris Dodd (D-Conn) has announced that he will lead a “bruising fight” over the appointment of UN Ambassador John Bolton. This is a disgrace; the Senator should state what Mr. Bolton is doing wrong if he wants to have a “bruising fight” over the nomination. The last time Mr. Bolton’s nomination came up the Democrats ran a campaign stating that Mr. Bolton is too mean, the poor babies. That “too mean” campaign even won over at least one of the typically weak-kneed Republicans who populate that chamber; in the end President Bush was forced to nominate Mr. Bolton using the recess appointment power of the Executive Branch. I seem to recall that Mr. Dodd had a problem with Mr. Bolton’s distinguished opinion that South and Central Americans should live in freedom. This was clearly way too much for the despot loving Dodd, after all, those Latin Americans are not white people from Connecticut and they have less pull in the Democratic Party than Fidel Castro and other Latin American commies. The pompous Joe Biden (D-Del) weighed in with one of his usual inanities by saying that President Bush should “nominate someone else.”

Thanks kids, but maybe you children should explain to America how a breath of reality in the failing UN is harmful to the United States. You often wouldn’t know it but the Senators actually represent Americans and should attempt to make policies beneficial to Americans.

Hat Tip: Powerline


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