Monday, July 17, 2006

To Hell with Your sharia laws, To Hell with Your islamic “Society”

c Jyllands-Posten
hezbolla says that this cartoon wouldn't exist if they had just killed Salman Rushdie.

Yes, I’m back; tanned rested and ready! I see that the world’s most ignorant people are up to their old tricks, trying to again enslave us people who are not part of their various cults; the cult of mohamed and their cults of death. To hell with that swine. And back here in the good old US of A I see the ignorants from CAIR continuing with their ridiculous insistence that their “religion” is simply misunderstood. Ha! I understand your caste system and your enslaving Sharia “law” too; my little sweetie! During my break from blogging I actually encountered an artist who stated that Baptists are more dangerous than fundamentalist muslims because the muslims “wouldn’t interfere with a woman’s right to choose.” As this was not said on stage at a Holidome in Reno, I had to ask what “choice” she was speaking of. Clearly islamic sharia gives humans very few choices and abortion is not one of them. Hell, those folks kill their sisters for having been raped! I also noted that the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Baptist preacher at the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Ga.


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