The art world is often a world of unhinged people who whose opinions one should be wary of. In
this post I wrote about an artist who told me that fundamentalist islam wouldn’t take away her right to “choose”, apparently the “choice” is abortion and apparently this person needs to get out more. She is not the only artist who has said bizarre things to me concerning islamic-fascists; in Oct. 2000 an artist (who had graduated from Wisconsin Madison undergrad and their Law School) told me that Baptists are more dangerous than al qaeda. Not exactly well grounded in reality. Anyways, there is now a photography exhibit in LA that features photographs of children who are made to cry for the camera. Great, photographs of hysterical children, who do I make the check out to? To add to the weirdness of this “project” (named “end times”) the artist, Jill Greenberg has stated that her intent was to portray Democrats and their view of the Bush years. I will give her that one; since the wee hours of Nov. 8, 2000 the Democrats have actually intensified their tantrums, something that would’ve been hard to believe on Nov. 6, 2000.
This moonbat artist has now threatened blogger
Thomas Hawk who wrote about how this “artist” is abusing children for fun and profit. Her husband has even called Hawk’s boss! What, the guy couldn’t find Hawk’s mother? So this couple have shown themselves to be both childish and dumb, the husband has even threatened to sue Hawk for expressing his opinion of his wife’s “work”
For some time the art world has lectured us that we should subsidize their “work” because they bring a “different” and “needed” perspective to the world around us. This came into the forefront when a traveling exhibit of the late
Robert Mapplethorpe’s (AIDS) photography was subsidized by the National Endowment for the Arts. The exhibit featured really strange hardcore gay sex scenes. If you ever want to see men peeing into each others mouths Mapplethorpe is your guy. Since those arguments were brought into the public arena I have wondered why we need to subsidize some person’s opinions. After all, if they are bringing their “perspective” (i.e. opinions!) into the community we should not have to subsidize their free speech. Apparently Greenberg’s most notable contribution to the art world has been
photos of monkeys.
More on this moonbat photographer
here and
Hat Tip to
Michelle Malkin.