Monday, February 04, 2008

VOTE Tuesday!

 Yep, the Illinois primary is Tuesday. I regret that I did not take a picture of the Hillary supporters who were at the Fullerton El stop this morning but I was running for a train. I was surprised to see Hillary supporters here on Chicago's north side, didn't they get the e-mail? Now if you have problems or questions concerning voting in Cook County (especially if you are on Chicago's North Shore) and who doesn't, head on over to the Wilmette blog, Publia likely has the info that you need. For a pre-ballot and ballot day Republican rundown go no further than the other great  Wilmette blogger (they have their own water works up in Wilmette, if that matters) the Backyard Conservative

 It looks like tomorrow the  Illinois Democrats will show the world a bit of self-deception, that a Chicago Democrat is an agent of "change". Maybe they are thinking of John "Quarters" Boyle



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