Saturday, January 26, 2008

Primary Roundup!

Sorry, you won't find it here, I spent a good chunk of the day over at Second City. However I can direct you to a great roundup by Anne at the Backyard Conservative, where there are links-a-plenty including one to the China News, I kid you not. However my favorite link is to Gina in Gulf Breeze, not to be confused with Doris from Rego Park. The Panhandle town of Gulf Breeze is out at the tip of the peninsula between East Bay, Pensacola Bay and Santa Rosa Sound, it is the town at the other end of the Pensacola Bay Bridge as you drive from Pensacola out to the barrier island Santa Rosa Island. Santa Rosa Island contains Pensacola Beach, Gulf Islands National Seashore, Navarre and Fort Pickens. I spent a lot of time out in Pensacola Beach about thirty years ago, I hear that hurricanes and development have taken their toll on what was then a beautiful and relatively compact beach town. Pensacola Beach is far enough from the mouth of the Mississippi that the sands are snow white, walking on the sand sometimes produces the same sound as walking on freshly fallen 20 degree snow and when they plow the streets after glancing blows from hurricanes the sand looks just like freshly plowed snow, all very reassuring for a Chicagoan.

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