Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Democrat Whose Firm Scammed Haitians and Bribed Their Dictator Wants to Control Employee Compensation in US

First term cingressman Alan Grayson (D-FL) has introduced a bill that would give the Federal Government control of all wages at any company that has taken Federal funds, Mr. Grayson also wants to abrigate all standing contracts. And this guy went to Harvard Law?

After leaving the law Mr. Grayson become the President of IDT Corp. After Grayson left IDT Corp. was involved in a scam that involved Haitian strongman Jean Bertand Aristide. IDT had a cut-rate deal to terminate telephone calls to Haiti, they also had an agreement to deposit much of the saved money into a bank account allegedly controlled by the Haitian dictator Aristide. The telephone firm Fusion, closely aligned with the Clinton Administration had a similar deal.

The Haiti Democracy Project has this to say about the telecom that Rep. Grayson (D-FL) once led:

Teleco Haiti granted IDT the right to terminate calls in Haiti at less than half the official settlement rate, and that IDT agreed to deposit all payments not at Teleco Haiti, but in an offshore account in the Turks and Caicos managed by a company called Mont Salem.

Long-distance revenues were one of Haiti's few sources of hard currency. Yet after President Aristide left office in 2004, Teleco Haiti's coffers were found to be empty.

Now this guy Grayson, a man who was President of a company that was later found to be in bed with the Haitian dictator wants to control the compensation of US businesses. Thank you to the members of the Democrat Party of the United States.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to be clear, IDT did not start doing business with Haiti until TEN YEARS after Congressman Grayson left the company. I urge you to check your facts. Thanks. Todd Jurkowski, Press Secretary for Congressman Grayson

9:00 PM  
Blogger El Rider said...

Hey Todd, this is what your dip-shit boss said on the floor of the House last night:

"Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) warned Americans that 'Republicans want you to die quickly' during an after-hours House floor speech Tuesday night."


I know that you will be busy attempting to explain away this piece of ignorant crap. Harvard Law must be so proud these days, between Obama and your crack-pot boss they aren't getting a whole lot of good PR, that's for sure. My question here is simple: Was Rep. Grayson drunk or on drugs during this episode?

7:47 AM  
Anonymous SEO Company India said...

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7:50 AM  

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