Bush Killed Kenny!
Hat Tip: Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs.
Labels: 9/11 Truther, Bush, Kenny, Michigan, YAF
Chicago trader, car nut, sports fan and political junkie. "Flying Debris" refers to warning signs behind the staging areas at drag strips. I happen to enjoy the sign reading "Caution Flying Debris Please Stand To The Right". Others may take amusement and solace in the sign over on the left side of the drag strip. Please don't look for much (if any) quarter mile blogging.
Labels: 9/11 Truther, Bush, Kenny, Michigan, YAF
Labels: Democrats, Denton, Pelosi, State of the Union, Torture
Labels: Democrats, State of the Union
Labels: Bush, Feingold, Jackson Jr., Kucinich, State of Union
Labels: Ditka, State of Union
Labels: Democrats, Republicans, State of the Union
Labels: Pelosi, State of Union
Labels: Barack Obama, Democrats, Freedom, Kennedy, Liberty
Labels: 1st Amendment, Bloggers, Democrats, Reid
“Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.”
Labels: Barack Obama, Democrats, Underwear
Labels: Cheeseheads, Democrats, Kagan
Labels: Bill Bennett, Bill Clinton, Sandy Berger
Labels: Democrats, Pay as You Go, PayGo, Social Security
Labels: Cobra, Schumacher, Shelby
Labels: Avalanche, Berthoud Pass, Stanley Slide Path
The ethically and morally challenged Democrats have just elected the former Grand Kleagle and Exalted Cyclops of the West Virginia Ku Klux Klan as the Senate Pro Tempore, the third in line of succession to the Presidency. The Democrats elected a man who just five years ago made the “insightful” distinction between “niggers” and “white niggers”. Ladies and Gentleman I give you Robert C. Byrd, Democrat, Klansman.
While debating the integration of the US Armed Forces the Klansman Byrd stated that he would "never submit to fight beneath that banner (the American flag) with a Negro by my side. Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds."
When Byrd spoke of “the blackest specimen from the wilds" who the hell was he speaking of?
Thanks to Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs