Cocks for Clinton?

The above had to be the best sign shown during the MSNBC debate broadcast. The broadcast was from South Carolina State in Orangeburg, just 50 miles south of Columbia, home of the University of South Carolina Gamecocks. The woman (a white woman, if it matters) held the sign and I raced to my recorder as MSNBC tried different angles to avoid the "Cocks for Clinton" girl. She held two signs, the other appeared to be a red Global Warming sign. It also appeared that she was ushered out of camera range by some unknown person or persons.
I didn't think that a group of presidential candidates could sound as uninformed as that group did this evening, especially Gov. Richardson, what a disappointment. On the plus side former Senator Gravel from Alaska actually sounded nuttier than Dennis Kucinich. That alone should make for a lot of comedy during the coming year and a half. We can expect that the media world will only notice the comedy of Kucinich and the guy from Alaska; and of course Bush.
Many thanks to Dr. Sanity and her fantastic Carnival of the Insanities for inclusion again this week.
Labels: Clinton, Cocks for Clinton, Debates, Gravel, Kucinich, Richardson
Yep. I was a might confused about that one, myself.
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