Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Obama Responds?

Nearly two months ago I wrote to one of my US Senators regarding his party (the Democrats), their leader in the Senate (Harry Reid D-Nev) and their treatment of General Petraeus. Well Senator-On-The-Spot has sent a response and the Senator did not even respond to my concerns. He tells us that he is supportive of the troops, blah, blah, blah. He has also recently stated that our troops were killing women and children; so the, ahem, "genius" from Illinois is now supportive of those he considers baby killers. That is Presidential material right there!

Obama really says nothing new in his delayed response but on the plus side, he responded to the actual letter that I sent him in September. Responses to other letters that I have sent to Senator Obama were puzzling because they did not respond to the concern that I had written about, I guess that it helps to write Senator Obama about a concern that he considers a campaign issue.

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