Fannie Mae Avoided Computer Meltdown Today
Labels: Fannie Mae
Chicago trader, car nut, sports fan and political junkie. "Flying Debris" refers to warning signs behind the staging areas at drag strips. I happen to enjoy the sign reading "Caution Flying Debris Please Stand To The Right". Others may take amusement and solace in the sign over on the left side of the drag strip. Please don't look for much (if any) quarter mile blogging.
Labels: Fannie Mae
Labels: Michael Steele, RNC Chairman
Labels: Democratic Corruption, Democratic Lies, Guantanamo Bay, Talk Left, USS Cole
Labels: David Obey, Democratic Corruption, Democratic Lies, Democratic Party
Labels: Democratic Corruption, Democratic Lies, Democratic Party, Hosing of America, Nancy Pelosi, Stimulus Bill
Labels: ACORN, Mortgage Fraud, Vote Fraud
Labels: Gitmo, Guantanamo Bay, USS Cole
Labels: Dreams
Labels: Crap Sandwich, Illegal Aliens, Stimulus Bill
Labels: Global Warming, James Hansen, John Theon
Labels: Barack Obama, Chicago, Snow Days, Washington DC
Labels: Crap Sandwich, Stimulus Bill
Labels: Iraq, Iraq Elections
Labels: Barack Obama, Chicago White Sox
Labels: Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Print and Spend Democrats
Labels: Barack Obama, Democratic Corruption, Eric Holder, Rod Blagojevich
Labels: Barack Obama, Gitmo, Guantanamo Bay
Labels: Auto Pollutants, Barack Obama, the Big 3
Labels: Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Jackson, John Wilkes Booth, Junius Brutus Booth
Labels: Al Qaeda, Barack Obama, Guantanamo Bay. Gitmo
Labels: Oath of Office, Obama, Roberts
Labels: Bio Fuels, State Mandated Fuels
Labels: Carlos Slin, New York Times
Labels: Bernie Madoff, Sylvia Madoff
Labels: 9/11, George Bush, New York
Labels: Dire Straits, Fed, Federal Reserve, Money For Nothing
Labels: Chicago Machine, Democratic Party, Rod Blagojevich