Obama Raffle: Total Bait & Switch
In very fine print at the bottom of the message, under the large DONATE button is the following message in very, very small print: "If you do not wish to make a donation, you can still be selected to join Barack at the Democratic National Convention in Denver. Learn more here. "
The preceding type is actual size and the "Learn more here" link is directly to the Obama donation page and not only is the only option for not making a donation listed as "Other:" but the lowest option is for $25. Where's the $5 option Michelle? This is the type of sleazeball stuff we have come to expect from unscrupulous marketers and now the Obama campaign, and apparently the Obama family.
Well I just tried to enter the Meet Obama Raffle and found out that the page that Michelle linked to does not allow one to enter the raffle without giving the Obama campaign your credit card information. Considering the problems that the Obama campaign has had with their website there is no way that I would give them a credit card number.
Labels: Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Illegal Raffle, Michelle Obama, Minnesota Raffle