Barack Will Pay Her Mortgage?
Labels: Barack Obama, Democratic Party
Chicago trader, car nut, sports fan and political junkie. "Flying Debris" refers to warning signs behind the staging areas at drag strips. I happen to enjoy the sign reading "Caution Flying Debris Please Stand To The Right". Others may take amusement and solace in the sign over on the left side of the drag strip. Please don't look for much (if any) quarter mile blogging.
Labels: Barack Obama, Democratic Party
Labels: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Intrade
Labels: Barack Obama, Democratic Party, John McCain, Sarah Palin
Labels: Barack Obama, Chicago, Obama Heist
Labels: Barack Obama, Hillbuzz, John McCain, Pennsylvania
Labels: Barack Obama, John McCain, Maria Bartiromo, Sarah Palin
Labels: Barney Frank, Democratic Lies, Lies, Propaganda
Labels: Ted Stevens
Labels: Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Pennsylvania, Racism
Labels: Thomas Rosenberg, Tiffany Wilson
Labels: Barack Obama, Jack Murtha, Joe Biden, SNL
Labels: Barack Obama, Cajun Music, Democratic Party, Swamp Crows
Labels: Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Dow Jones 30, Fannie Mae
Labels: Barack Obama, Bill Ayers, Communism, Democratic Party
Labels: Barak Obama, Bill Ayers, Hippies, Wavy Gravy
Labels: Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Faifax County Virginia, Vote Fraud
Labels: Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Milwaukee, Pittsburg, Scranton
Labels: Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Stop Obama Tour
Labels: Barack Obama, Chicago, Democratic Party, Grant Park
Labels: Ahmadinejad, Iran, Spy Pigeon
Labels: Sarah Palin, SNL
Labels: Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Joe the Plumber, Taxes
Labels: Barack Obama, Chicago Media, Democratic Party, Joe the Plumber, MSM, Plumber Joe
Labels: Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Joe the Plumber, Small Business, Stephanie Cutter
Labels: ACORN, Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Lake County Indiana
On Nov. 4, Gary, Ind., could end up as ground zero of the political universe. Indiana was the firewall state in the 2008 Democratic primary season. Hillary Clinton won that battle, but lost the war.
Rudy Clay, the flamboyant and pertinacious Gary mayor, was the star of that drama. Although Clinton prevailed in the May 6 primary, the returns from Clay's stomping grounds came in so late that Clinton was denied a victory speech in prime time. Clinton supporters accused Clay of sabotaging the counting.
Clay claims the process was slowed by a deluge of early-voting ballots. "We were not doing that on purpose," he told me the other day. "It just looked that way." I could almost see his grin over the phone.
Once again Indiana is hotly contested territory, and Gary could be pivotal.
"No Democrat has ever won the state of Indiana without winning Gary. We are not going to break precedent now," Clay proclaimed.
His voters will bring it in for Obama because they know how to count, Clay added.
"We are spending $10 [billion] to $12 billion a month in Iraq, and in Gary we can't get $12 to fix a pothole."
State Sen. Earline Rogers, a lead coordinator of the get-out-the vote effort, is also counting -- and confident. The Gary native has served in the Indiana legislature for 26 years.
"We are trying to be extremely careful," she said, "because the rest of the state looks at us as sort of the 'Cook County of Indiana.' " (Senator, nice try, but don't even think about snatching that esteemed title away from us.)
Obama lost the Indiana primary by about 14,000 votes. Rogers calculates that 19,000 registered Gary voters did not show up at the polls in May. "We can make up that difference," she said.
We should all be worried about vote fraud in Gary and elsewhere in Lake County, Indiana. This is the new kind of politics? This is the change we've been waiting for? These are the people we've been waiting for?Labels: ACORN, Barack Obama, Democratic Corruption, Democratic Party, Gary Indiana, Lake County Indiana, Vote Fraud
Labels: Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Illegal Fundraising
Labels: Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Gaza, Illegal Fundraising
Labels: Barack Obama, Boy Scouts, Illegal Fund Raising
Labels: ACORN, Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Lake County Indiana
Labels: Barney Frank, Democratic Party, Fannie Mae, Herb Moses
Labels: Dan Seals, Illinois 10th, Mark Kirk